Day. The stage is divided into two levels. On the first level, almost center
                                                                       stage,  proclaimed by a sign, is Reemer's Store, flanked tightly by a banana                                                                        grove and a coconut grove.
                                                                       A sign, Tibrik's, is visible through the thick banana folliage. Reemer's s Store                                                                        which lies open to the audience, is modeled on an American supermarket
                                                                       but  much smaller in scale. Aisles, rows of shelves run toward the audience.
                                                                       Signs advertise specials. In particular for sale are radios, liquor, beer, candy,                                     Scene 1                many canned foods. On the stage near the audience is a rock large enough
                                                                       to  hide someone reclining behind it. A sailboat, its deck, forms the second                                                                        stage level over Reemer' s Store, with a shortwave antenna, deck chairs,
                                                                       etc. Screens  in the backgrounds project the moving ocean and the surf.
                                                                       The surf is heard. Two kinds of music will be played, off and on, during the                                                                        performanance. Western music and authentic native, not Hawaiian muzak.
                                                                       All actors remain onstage from the beginning. Over the sailboat is the sign:                                                                            5.19 S,  160 E.
                                                                       LOMONA stands in the coconut grove.


              I am Lomona.
             This is my island. Many trees grow here in the strong light. Full of fruit, many bananas, coconuts, breadfruit and              pandanus that is sweet. The ocean surrounding my island is crowded with fish. There is sardine, mackerel, tuna,
             and  rainbow colored fish that do not want to be named, and there is barracuda and shark. The ocean  is very
             tasty. And  from it a wind cools my island and makes the waves roar and the fronds of the coconut  palms noisy
             like the running of children's feet in the sky. At night the moon makes you excited and sleepy at the same time.
            You make love with half-closed eyes because the moon is so bright and before you know it you are asleep.
            The last sound you hear is the surf. Paradise is a word I do not know that foreigners call my island.
            They came many years ago in big boats for the whales and now they come in little boats just to look at us and to
            show  us their clothes and to teach us their ways. They talk of other places, but we do not believe them. Those
            who  believe then become unhappy and snore with an angry noise. To them our moon is only in the blackness
            between the days they want to end. Future is a word I do not know. But I know my island, my family and the boy
            I love. Maybe I am stupid to know only these and sometimes I feel sad, because Riklon is restless. He has big eyes
            that are like mouths eager to swallow everything. But he is strong like the palm.
             O, I wish the moon stops moving tonight!
               Then Riklon sees only me.

                                                                                           (LOMONA rests in the coconut grove.
                                                                                           ROBERT REEMER appears from Reemer's Store.
                                                                                           In white slacks, Hawaiian shirt, and buckle shoes, wears clear                                                                                            plastic glasses, myopic, a little gray. Perhaps a bit subdued.)


              My name is Robert Reemer.
             I am half something, American maybe. Five years ago I opened my store on the island. It was immediately
             successful. More of the people now have government jobs, so most of the cash circulates through my store.
             It serves the cormunity by providing the people with a selection of goods which otherwise they would not
             know about to make their  lives more pleasant. Canned goods from Australia, Japan and the U.S. Canned
             mackerel is very popular. Soda pop, Campbell soup, chili con came. Ice cream, radios, beer, very accurate
             quartz watches, and liquors which the people enjoy on festive occasions like births, marriages, and wakes.
             Stereos and electric fans.

                                                                                              (TIBRIK has been sitting in the Store behind REEMER.)


                                             There is no electricity on the island. Silly, silly. He is crazy.

                                                                                                                    (TIBRIK blends into the jungle
                                                                                                                       by his sign, TIBRIK'S.)


            Yachts occasionally visiting us get their provisions from my store. My prices are quite reasonable, considering the            freight charges I pay. Also, I am negotiating to bring television to the island, offering a variety of popular programs.
           It will be an educational experience for my people to be able to view the world that is so close really around them
.           Though  we have no airport yet, after all, we are only hours away by jet from Manila, Tokyo, Sidney, or San Francisco.           At the  moment, a charming young couple from Los Angeles is visiting us. Married? Who knows nowadays? They have           been here a week enjoying the natural beauties of our island.


           Anyone can shop at Reemer' s Store.

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